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    NHS 111

    If you need medical help or advice fast, but it’s not a life-threatening situation.

    you can call NHS 111 (in England) by dialling 111, or NHS Direct (in Wales) on 0845 46 47. 

    Your local NHS Trust may also offer a crisis phone line, or information and support on what to do in a crisis. Check your local NHS trust’s website for more information about their services.


    The Samaritans

    Call 116 123 UK & ROI



    Andy's Man Club





    Mind’s Infoline is open from 9am–6pm weekdays.

    Tel: 0300 123 3393 or text 86463

    Email info@mind.org.uk


    Mental health UK

    0300 5000 927



    Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire

    Al-Anon UK | For families & friends of alcoholics


    Papyrus HOPEline

    Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide (papyrus-uk.org)



    Open weekdays 10am–10pm, weekends 2pm–10pm and bank holidays 2pm–5pm.

    Tel: 0800 068 4141 or text 07786 209 697



    Maytree offers a safe non judgemental residential stay of 5 days for those experiencing suicidal thoughts

    Tel: 0207 263 7070

    Maytree | We’re open to suicidal feelings



    If anybody works for a bank or is an ex-bank employee:

    Bank Workers Charity

    Bank Workers Charity (bwcharity.org.uk)


    They will try to help, if they can't, they will try to support people through their partnership with other charities.

    Amongst other things, they can support you in the following areas:

    • debt and money management 
    • relationship concerns 
    • disability and long-term conditions
    • caring responsibilities
    • bereavement
    • mental health
    • legal advice

    For problem-specific information and support:

    • Anxiety UK runs a helpline on weekdays between 9.30am–5.30pm, on 08444 775 774.
    • b-eat run a helpline for people experiencing an eating disorder. The national number is 0845 364 1414 or you can email them at help@b-eat.co.uk.
    • Bipolar UK has an information and support line open weekdays between 9am–5pm, on 020 7931 6480.
    • Carers UK offers help and advice on weekdays between 10am–4pm. Their national number is 0808 808 7777 or you can email them at advice@carers.uk.
    • Cruse Bereavement Care can offer support if you're feeling in crisis after someone you know has died. Their helpline is open on weekdays between 9.30–5pm (and until 8pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings). The national number is 0844 477 9400 or you can email helpline@cruse.org.uk.
    • No Panic run a helpline for people experiencing anxiety disorders, open 10am–10pm, 365 days a year, on 0844 967 4848.
    • OCD UK has an advice line open weekdays between 9am–5pm on 0845 120 3778, or you can email them at support@ocduk.org


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